Liberian Hospital Overwhelmed Ever since the day the Ebola clinic in Liberia was opened it has been flooded with patients. There ...
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Liberian Hospital Overwhelmed Ever since the day the Ebola clinic in Liberia was opened it has been flooded with patients. There ...
Photovoltaic Solar Cells Renewable Energy Solutions Solar cells, also called photovoltaic (PV) cells by scientists, convert s...
Finding A New Earth Trying to find other life in the universe is not easy, but we are fairly close to finding another planet like earth. ...
Guardians Of The Galaxy Latest Marvel Movie I Found this article interesting because the movie was awesome and hilarious. Walt Disn...
Does Frankincense cures Cancer The finding, which is under the patenting processes now, is a matter of pride for Oman — By Kaushalendra...
Dinosaurs and The Children - Learning Fun If you ever want to make your kids frantically excited, just tell them this: The Children’s Mu...
Ancient Priest's Tomb Painting Discovered Near Great Pyramid at Giza A wall painting, dating back over 4,300 years, has been discove...
Fathers Day - History - Poems - Blessings It’s the first of June, so the questions about Father’s Day 2014 have begun! When is Father’s ...